Schedule Blocks

Personnel schedule

This guide explains the different parts that make up the personnel schedule.


Personnel schedule

A personnel schedule can be considered as a schedule that outlines key details about the staff members that are assigned to a specific project or service.


Key personnel

The following parts form part of the schedule and are generally added as table in the schedule-

  1. Specific Key Personnel: This is essentially a list of individuals who are crucial to the execution of the contract or agreement. It includes those whose skills, experience, or knowledge make them vital to the project’s success. These individuals are often identified by their names and positions.

  2. Positions: In the personnel schedule, each person is identified by their role or position. This helps in understanding each person’s responsibility and the hierarchy, if any, in the team.

  3. Names: This is self-explanatory. It helps in identifying the specific individuals associated with the project. Having clear names is essential for accountability and communication.

  4. Percentage Time to be Dedicated to the Customer’s Account: This outlines the portion of their working hours that each person will dedicate to the project or service. It ensures that the customer understands how much time each individual will spend on their account, contributing to its success.

  5. Place of Service: This indicates the location where the individual will perform their work. It could be the customer’s location, a third-party site, a home office, etc.

The non-solicitation of key personnel provisions in the main agreement is crucial and complements the personnel schedule. It essentially states that the customer, throughout the agreement’s term and possibly for a set period afterwards, agrees not to solicit, entice, or induce any of the listed key personnel to leave their current employment.

Transfer of key personnel

The transfer of key personnel part is designed to safeguard the interests of the customer. It’s important to ensure that individuals who play a vital role in the service or project being provided are not abruptly transferred or reassigned, which could disrupt the quality or continuity of the service.

Succession plan

This part creates an obligation on the provider to put in place a succession plan for key personnel and is intended to ensure a smooth transition and continuity of operations in the event that the current individuals serving in these key positions are no longer available or suitable.

Competitor accounts

This part prohibits the provider to transfer key personnel to competitor accounts and aims to protect the interests of customer by limiting the potential exposure of their sensitive information or business practices to competitors. It helps ensure that the knowledge and expertise of key personnel, which were gained while working for customer, are not shared with or utilized by competitors to gain an unfair advantage.

Removal of key personnel

This part essentially grants the customer the unilateral right to request the removal of a key individual from their position and appoint a replacement individual approved by them. The purpose behind this provision may vary and could include reasons such as performance concerns, conflicts of interest, or changes in strategic requirements. It gives customer the ability to maintain control and make necessary adjustments to ensure the smooth execution of the agreement.

Data security training

By including this part, the customer aims to promote a culture of data security within provider and ensure that its personnel are well-informed about best practices, policies, and legal obligations surrounding data security. It demonstrates customer’s commitment to protecting sensitive information and mitigating the risks associated with data breaches or unauthorized access.

Personnel checks

The purpose of including this part obligating the provider to do personnel checks is to provide customer with confidence in the reliability and trustworthiness of the personnel assigned to work on their behalf. By conducting background checks, the provider demonstrates its commitment to maintaining a high standard of personnel quality and integrity, which aligns with the customer’s need for reliable service providers.

Contact information

The purpose of part dealing with contact information of the key personnel is to facilitate effective communication between the parties involved in the agreement. By providing the contact information of its personnel and stand-by personnel, the provider enables customer to easily reach out to the relevant individuals when necessary. This helps ensure smooth collaboration, timely responses to inquiries or issues, and efficient coordination between the two parties throughout the duration of the agreement.

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